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Student . Driven . DBZ Lover

I'm currently 18 growing up in a beautiful small-big city, San Antonio. If you can't already tell, I'm a big fan of Dragon Ball. I've learned about this anime when my brother introduced it to me a couple of years ago and since then, I became obsessed. Of course, I conceal my obsession over this particular anime in public and friends as I don't find myself to fit in such environment, to only find myself to be judged for liking a show known "only" for it's "loud screaming" and "overrated and powerful characters." I don't find this a problem as I love finding people who also enjoy the show just as much as myself either in person or online.


Moving on from my anime obsession, I've found myself to be involved in a couple of extracurricular activities. For one, I'm now the company commander of Charlie company in the Mustang Battalion at Thomas Jefferson High School. I also joined the newly formed Cyber Patriots team in ROTC for my senior year. A funny fact about myself is that I never wanted to be apart of ROTC in any way growing up as my older brother was the one really interested. I decided to avoid ROTC because of that but instead was forced into it because of the school I first attended before Thomas Jefferson. It was then that I felt attracted to the military to only decide my future to revolve around it. I do plan  to join the military after High School.


I'm also the president of Hayne, a social service club at my high school. I also attend San Antonio College every morning through Alamo Academies. While taking these classes, I've learned how to use Linux, the basics of networking, to program, and tech savvy. 


Other than such, I'm a man of curiosity and spirit; to believe in the unthinkable and only reach for the stars. I may not be perfect, but who is?

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By Justin Nava

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